About session
- The students are able to give a presentation of at least two democratic channels of influence. The students are able to draw up a plan for how individuals can influence society.
What can we do if we are dissatisfied with something? Some people resort to violence to fight for their cause, but that can often make the matter worse. In a democracy there are numerous lawful, non-violent methods of working towards change. In this module the students will explore different actions available to them in a democracy.
For lower and upper secondary
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Women's suffrage as an example
1. Women's suffrage as an example
Present the battle for women's suffrage as an example of how non-violent activism can succeed. Go through the table showing what they did to bring about change. Next, the students should work on their own topic in groups.
FileDocumentArbeidsark 1 - eksempel: Kvinners stemmerett i Norge
- 2
Find an issue the students care about
2. Find an issue the students care about
Ask the students to find an issue they care about. It can be anything from environmental policy to school rules. Draw up a specific plan for how they can create change. (Work individually, in pairs or in groups.)
FileDocumentArbeidsark for ungdomsskole og vgs - Hvordan påvirke politikk og samfunn?
- 3
Presentation and feedback
3. Presentation and feedback
The students present their case and approach for affecting change, and then give feedback to each other.
- What could the groups have done differently?
- Which other channels could they have used?